Wednesday, June 7, 2017


We're here in Florida for the summer and we're finally together after almost 2 months.  I didn't know how much I would love it here!  It's kind of different from what I thought it would be and people honk alot hahah, but I'm getting tough skin and we're settling in.  It's been really rainy for the past couple weeks and it will be for the next two weeks, but those sunshiny days are so good. 

I knew we would be close to the beach and I was really excited but I figured we would spend most of our days at the pool like Houston last year.  I get overwhelmed sometimes packing up the girls with snacks, towels, and all the other beach stuff you need so I kind of mentally planned we'd only go maybe once a week.  Plus, I get grounchy in the heat.  My mom knows this about me I think. (She for sure does)  Before I left she said, "Figure out a system to get to the beach.  This is such an incredible opportunity to spend the summer near some of the world's best beaches, so don't stay inside! Figure out how to make it easy.  Don't pack too much stuff and just go!" I love her. And if my car wasn't currently in a half foot of rainwater in the parking lot right now I'd be keeping my word to her.

The beach is perfect.  Really!  Last time we were in California with the girls we parked 100 yards from beach and then we had to walk 200yards+ to the actual water with all of our stuff and kids. haha Dayton and I looked at eachother and we're like "We're definitely the parents now." Walking in sand is hard too. haha But the parking here on weekday morning is really open and you can usually park front row and you take, I dont know, 50 steps and you're at the water. Ahh and the water.  It's so warm.  You don't even flinch getting in at all. Capri just walks around playing right along the shore line.  She'll walk around listening to her feet barely tap the water and Wins is building sand castles with me and jumping waves.  I look at them and I get a little teary haha.  I hope they will have the best memories spending their childhood summers at the beach.  I keep looking through my phone and I have so few pictures of them at the beach, but I kind of like it that way.  It means we're all too busy being together to remember to grab our phones.

I keep texting Dayton how happy I am.  My mom was right, this really is such a unique opportunity and I'm trying really hard not to take it for granted.  I love the slowness of summers.  Every meal is eaten at home, no home normal home responsibilities, and hours at the pool. We get a little bored sometimes, so I'm forced to think of little charts to make, going to the library, or random activities since we don't have family to hang out with!  

Aside from the beach we go to the pool most of the other days and play with the other babies that are here!

 Capri will be wearing that little boy rashguard and bucket hat all summer.  Just prepare for 80,000 pictures of her in it.

We love Florida. 

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