Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Baby Number 2!

WE'RE HAVING [another] BABY!!! Ah I screamed that for five minutes after I took my test!!  Winsley looked at me like I was insane but she danced around with me anyway.  We found out February 20th and I'm due October 27th.  I took a negative test 3 days before I got my positive one and that happened last time too!  It's so weird that I take one pretty much the day it could show up on a test!  I felt sooo naseous the day I got my positive test and I just had a hunch to take one.  My morning sickness came RIGHT away, as did the diziness!  The headaches decided to wait a few weeks to hit but now they're daily. It's all so worth it!  We can't wait!!

(14 weeks)

I'm going to be a mama to TWO little babies?!  GIVE ME!  I can't stop thinking about soft baby toes and endless kisses.  My ALMOST two year old can deny us kisses but a newborn can't. :) It's Dayton and I's favorite thing.

So right now I'm 15 weeks.  We brought Winnie with us while I got my first ultrasound and it was the best!  Her and Dayton sat in the corner and whispered about the baby.  He pointed out the faint outline of the head and got her excited.  It's the cutest when she says, "liiiiitle baby" and does little pinches with her fingers.  The timing for the baby has been perfect because Winnie just started really getting into playing with her dolls, "painting"  their nails, and carting them around in her stroller!  She loves seeing all our friends new babies on snapchat to and gets so mad when there are no more videos or pictures of them.  She's going to be the best big sister! Take today for example, Winnie was feeding her baby dolls Tostitos tortilla chips and that's when I knew she is going to teach the baby everything that is important in life.  Like chips and salsa.

I've been a little overwhelmed at the thought of two but I'm trying not to stress because it always ends up being fine!  And really, it's too late to back out now!  Luckily Wins has started playing by herself alot lately.  She'll sit in her room and read books, play with her babies, and lay in her crib and play with her animals.  I think that is sooo important for kids to learn to keep themselves entertained. It's giving me a glimmer of hope that I'll still be able take care of allllllll the needs of a newborn baby because Wins loves playing alone.

This pregnancy doesn't feel different like alot of people experience.  I guess I'm "craving" fruits like last time but I also love salty stuff.  So who knows what gender it is, if cravings are even any indicator of the sex.  Part of me is dying for sisters even though they are DRAMA but I know a boy would be fun too.  You can't really lose with either!

We told our parents when we were down in Arizona at the end of March and of course I can't do any surprise without recording it!  Maybe I'll try and post those videos! We told both sides that Winnie had a really cute outfit on that she was going to model so everyone needed to gather around.  I'm having to get kind of creative with my excuse to have them all pay attention at once because I think they are catching on to my surprises.  Both times Winnie sprinted out of the room with the sonogram and ran to her grandmas!  Their reactions were priceless and I'm so happy I have them on video!  I've had no urgency to announce this pregnancy other than our immediate family.  We are so busy with Wins! I also think when you're away from alot of your family and close friends it's easier not to say anything? I don't know!

My friend Alexa has a tshirt company and sent be some shirts.   I love it and already can't seem to take it off.  She asked me if I would snap a few pictures downtown in them for her business Instagram.  I kept complaining to her how stressed I this task was making me! haha I do the same thing in every picture and it gets awkward but I'm so glad I have them now.  We took some at Pike and Volunteer park and I got an incredible lamb gyro along the market so it was worth it!

I love my little picture grouch/soon to be big sister!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so very sorry. I know that the love you have for both of your daughters is tremendous; that you would not trade them for anything... but I also know how scared you must be. I promise you, with faith, love, hope, and persistence, your little family of four can get through anything. And, wow, they are just darling!
