Monday, March 18, 2013

32 weeks

We're home! My scheduled posts did not work.  Bummer.  But we had so much fun.  I'm working on pictures and of course making a video! 

I am now 32 weeks!  The cruise was perfect in alot of ways.  However, one down fall was the endless food. Yikes! I took advantage of that.  I am excited to be back eating normally and having mounds of food at my disposal.  I actually can't dial out and order chocolate cake whenever I want anymore. haha

The baby is kicking like crazy. I can't even descrbibe it.  She seems so ready to come.  I did swell on the flight but that usually happens when I take long car rides and flights.  I think the flight was the roughest part.  The baby just wanted to play and kick an move around so sleeping was impossible.  She's just being thoughtful and preparing me for some sleepless nights in the future. haha

We spent the whole crusie talking about her and just being alone together.  We talked about plans for her, parenting, and what we're excited for.  We have a change jar in our house that we started when we were first married and we always get so excited to dump change into it.  We were planning on saving up for a trip or something nice we both wanted but this has turned into a fund for the baby.  It definitely changes your mentality when you spend the change in your wallet instead of waiting to get home to dump it in the jar.  With the little things and big decisions we think twice.  We're starting college funds, changing our habits to make for a better home to welcome her into, and working on our marriage to try really our best to be good parents. 

Not much else has changed except getting bigger and bigger.  We're ready to meet our baby girl!


  1. Fun posts about your cruise and your ports. I'm glad you guys got a little babymoon in. It really does change things but one baby is pretty easy to do the things you want. Two now that's another story : ). BTW if you thought Scarlett was cute Grayson is a big competitor. My kids are adorable : ) Can't wait to see your cute little girl!

    1. haha kara i love him already. just wish you guys lived here still so i could obsess like i did with scar. you're so humble about your kids cuteness. haha

  2. Sooo happy for you! I am happy knowing Cha Cha would be happy thinking of you two connecting and enjoying God's green earth (and sea). Yay you guys! I am soooo excited to be a gramma! The luckiest child in the world having two great parents. So ready to love her and give her what she needs... Yay! Love you my sweeties.

    1. Thanks mama for helping so much! you're the best! cant wait for baby to have the best two grammy's ever!
