Thursday, June 18, 2015


Summer is the busiest time of the year for Dayton, actually our whole family.  Dayton works lonnnnnnnnnnnng hours.  I'm usually in bed by 10:30pm and leave instructions for dinner for him or sometimes he grabs food when it's just too long of a wait for him to eat dinner. We talk alot about double checking that we're still making time for us.  Nothing can really change our schedules much but the effort is what we aim for.  I'll leave notes for him to read as he gets into bed.  Long text messages from me to him (alwaysssss haha) explaining how I legitimately don't understand how he is surviving on such little sleep and the simple fact that he sacrifices everything for us?!?  It blows my mind every day.  Most nights I half wake up to a kiss and an I love you from him then doze back off to sleep.  It really is the sweetest.  Sometimes Winnie will come with us to dinner on Saturday night and I love when she's there because Dayton doesn't get much time with her either throughout the week but I'm starting to get selfish and just get a sitter for the night so we can just be us two.  Last Sunday Dayton was in and out of naps all day it seemed like.  He had a headache and anytime he kept napping Winnie would barge in or we would try and read quietly on the bed next to him.  Well, he didn't get much sleep.  He never asked us to leave and didn't complain but I could sense he just wanted time and I for some reason just didn't get up and let him be.  Probably because I was tired too.  Church at one throws us all off and Winnie has extra tantrums from missing her nap.  Add that with an exhausting week and all three of us are toast.

I've been waking up early to go to cycle class and work out in the mornings and it's pure bliss.  It's so hard but I love it.  Getting on a good sweat in the morning, sneaking in the house while my family hasn't even thought about waking up (usually) is the best.  Plus the hot shower after is another thing!  My day runs so much smoother when I'm done getting ready before 8am.  Winnie has been waking up sometimes as I get to the gym and won't fall back asleep.  I feel terrible because, again, that means Dayton loses more sleep.  Caffeine is the only thing keeping him functioning!  As we were driving home from a friend's house Sunday night I brought up that my hour in the morning at the gym is so important to me.  I offered to try and get up earlier so hopefully it would get me home sooner to take care of Winnie in case she woke up.  So as I'm making this mental plan with Dayton to get my alone time in for the day he gently compared my gym time to his need for an hour nap on Sundays.  Fair enough!!  It's like the heavens opened and I realized that is a totally and completely reasonable request.  Two exhausted parents trying to make it work.

We talked a little bit more about spending as much time together as possible.  Just normal I miss you you miss me where can we squeeze five minutes in to cuddle??  Dayton text me yesterday that we should get breakfast in the morning!  The man does not take off work or go in late for anything.  ANYTHING.  So this one morning to get breakfast was such a treat.  He knows me too well!  I got home from my spin class this morning and showered but I kind of knew there wouldn't be time to go out and eat.  And truthfully, there aren't good spots around here to get a yummy breakfast in enough time.  So I decided to whip up some waffles!  I've actually never made waffles I just use the boxes and I guess I got overly ambitious??  One mistake after mistake after mistake and trying to remedy the previous mistake the waffle mix was runny and unsalvagable.  Seconds after I realize this wasn't going to work Dayton walked in and said smells good honey! I think every wife knows that feeling when you've worked hard, wasted ingredients, and bombed a recipe.  So you think to yourself well the perfectly normal/logical/effective response to this is to cry in my waffle mix.  I knew it was stupid to be mad and I was on the verge of tears and laughter at once.  I told him they weren't working, threw out the sad thin waffle I still tried to make happen,  and started cleaning up.  You know, the mad cleaning up.  That's my best work, actually.  Get me fuming mad and my kitchen will be spotless in 5 minutes tops.

So how do you help your hormonal pregnant wife that just accidently messed up a recipe?  Who also just gave up 45 minutes of rare family time she desperately wanted? I don't think there's much you can do.  It's hard to be a guy for that reason alone!  haha As this is all happening Winnie dropped a spoon on the ground and started crying I couldn't help but laugh.  I looked at Dayton and said now you have both girls in your life crying over an accident.  I'm sure the baby is crying about something in there too.  Haha he got ready to leave, we said prayers,  he kissed Winnie, and then came in the kitchen and stood behind me waiting for a kiss goodbye while I rinsed a bowl.  I turned around pouting and he immediately went in for a tight squeeze.  I know you're so frustrated babe but thank you for everything you do, and thank you for my lunch, you really are the best.  No tears from my end, surprisingly, but I snuck a couple more kisses before he left.  You know you have a good guy when he knows the only fix for his wife's irrational attitude is a hug.  I might be completely insane when I'm pregnant but I'm so lucky to have him.

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