Tuesday, June 18, 2013


So I've been trying out Babywise on the high recommendation of friends for weeks now.  The "you will all sleep through the night" thing sold me right off the bat.  I started using it right before our first hospital visit, then sleep got messed up for all of us. So once we were home, I tried it again right before her next trip and that was a bust as well. haha We've been back at it for the past couple days and its been working okay!

Most times in I stare at Winsley and I'm like "What am I doing?! You're six weeks old, let's just let you do your thing and stop stressing." and in the same breathe I think, "but I'm tired!!" I know schedules are good and I personally know I need one to get stuff done. But alot of things you read, not just Babywise, say oh "Dont let your baby fall asleep with you. She shouldn't rely on her pacifier to fall asleep.  She needs to sleep in her own bed.  Feed them anytime they cry.  Yada Yada Ya."  And they probably all has some benefits!  Butttt, Winslely loves her passie and they are soothing to babies!  At one point in the hospital, she hadn't been held for a week so I'm making up for that time by holding her and squeezing her whenever I please!  She loves falling asleep in her swing and it works for us to have her close by our bed.  Plus, her crib seems just too dang far from us...for now! Sometimes I look at her and I just know she wants to take a nap in bed with me and who can say no to that?! ;) I don't want to label myself as a Babywise mom or a attachment parenting mom, or the other methods out there.  I may dabble in all of it, truth be told the Babywise schedule is working so far, and if that's what works for Winsley thats fine!  Those books and the sleeping methods aren't to make me feel guilty so I've realized the second I start feeling bad that she's not following a schedule perfectly I take a step back and let her run the show for a bit.

That's my latest Mom struggle right now :) I have fresh out of the bath baby in THE most adorable footie pajama that needs cuddles so off I go!


  1. Ali you are a great mom. There will be times when you feel you don't know what to do because of external advice, but always do what is right for your household. Personally, I read Babywise when Everett was 6 weeks old. I remember he was screaming in Barnes and Noble when I bought it. That first chapter about marriage- awesome! But then I bought Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Baby, and it changed our lives! It makes sleep the priority (naps, bedtime), and takes the pressure off feeding schedules. I never scheduled feedings I just let him nurse when he was hungry, which I loved because they go through so many growth spurts! (but no comfort nursing)

    OK thats my one book recc :) ;)

  2. Oh my gosh thanks Shannon! No I'm all about recommendations! It's just figring out what will work our life/family is the hard part! So I'll look that one up and see!
